Welcome to a home page of "AMEIRO"
I make the motorcycle and the helmet a campus and am carrying on art activity by a technique as candy paint.
It's because I think I say why it's candy paint when there is feeling of the transparency and this is very best in my art activity.
The surface where I respond to deep beautifulness using a metal flake is being made. And masking is being done much, a complicated coloring is being done and mirror surface processing is being done in the end.
I have arranged for the traditional design of Asia and have built that into something original by my coat.
If you'd have an interest in candy paint, I'm even a little glad.
The owner of this website is Japanese, so bear with mypoor English.
One of the custom paint called candy paint from the clear shade like a candy.
Candy paint adjusts the color by the density and a coating film.
When colors mix, the color becomes impure, so a collar is piled up, I paint.
Even more something to look monochromatic seemingly increases in the depth more peculiar to pile up a collar than 2 colors.
It's possible to get an original blaze by making the step of the masking giving up which forms in case of a graphic beyond 2 tones smooth and applying a mirror surface process.
It feels like and an expression changes this. Charm of candy paint is this change.
Metal Flakes
A particle usually adds a flake to something rough and clearance especially than metallic aluminum, and it's painted.
This flake is being used for foundation mainly at this place.
U=Ultra Mini Flake
It's a U-flake and a M-flake+ the metallic frames part and a F-flake from the left of a picture.
Gold and silver are hit, it was increased thin like paper, something like the glue called a varnish is applied and it's stuck on it.
A picture did candy painting on the gold leaf.
I have the brightness different from a flake again.
List of Leaf works
Wrap Paint
One of the techniques I pattern which stuck wrap and used a capillary phenomenon blowing paint and before drying.
Wrapping plays solid black in a base like the left of a picture as an orthodox way, and is metallic and paints.
The picture right is the candy color based on UMF, and wrapping is the one I painted.
The same design is the charming paint mood which can never be done.
List of Wrap Paint works
Crystal Paint
A clear coat does a base, and it's the crystallization paint applied on it.
Crystalline pattern changes by the temperature, the humidity and the manner of the foot bill. The same design is the charming paint mood which can never be done like wrap paint.
List of Crystal Paint works
Sand Blast Tattoo.
The painting way for which the aluminum material was used.
The masking a polish does aluminum and which is a graphic.
A sand blast process is applied to a graphics part and it's done in the state I damaged.
A paint base is made.
On it, the candy color, coat.
Completion has done mirror surface processing like usual paint.
When the picture right is exposed to the light, a graphic rises.
3D Processing Relief
A kind of molding, body filler is thickly arranged and carved.
Painting based on three-dimensional relief.